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BMK High Rise


Nottingham City Homes




Arcus were appointed as lead project managers, quantity surveyors and architects to refurbish 3 high rise blocks for Nottingham City Homes.

The works including external wall insulation, balcony remodeling and internal upgrades and refurbishments to all 270 residential flats and communal areas. The scheme also included a new heating system which reduced residents’ energy costs by an average of 50%.

Throughout the design stages Arcus worked closely with the client, tenant liaison officers, residents, and community representatives. Once the initial designs were developed, we devised a series of consultation opportunities to present the options to residents and to allow them to feedback into the design process.

As the works were carried out whilst residents were in occupation, a detailed programme of internal flat refurbishments was produced at an early stage of the contractor’s appointment. All three blocks were provided with a single fully furnished flat, which was used during the day by residents whilst the internal refurbishment was being undertaken to fit perimeter heating and new windows to the flats.

The Arcus Network


A design might look good on paper, but how it works in the real world is what’s important...

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