We’re delighted to have handed over 134 residential units as we complete phase 1 of Clarion Housing’s High Path regeneration programme.
High Path Phase 1 represents the first phase of the landmark programme. It includes demolition of The Old Lamp Works and all garages and redevelopment to provide 134 residential units (C3 use), comprising: 125 residential units in 4 No. flatted buildings of 5, 7 and 9 storeys (including single and double storey upper setback levels); and 9 No. houses (part 2 and 3 storeys) together with associated utilities and infrastructure, 31 car parking spaces, cycle parking provision, landscaping and public realm works.
The scheme is focused on providing replacement homes for residents living in future phases of the masterplan, and will include Leaseholders, Freeholders and Tenants.